Sunday, April 14, 2013

Chris bars

Last week was girls' weekend out for me. My BFFs, Mary and Jen, and I drove to Vegas for a relaxing weekend. Mary and Jen are NOT vegan but they tolerate my vegan ways by stopping off at Trader Joe's regularly for hummus and carrots. When we went out to Lotus of Siam for a Thai dinner, I ate Tofu with Panang Curry (it tasted great) which really isn't on the Esselstyn regime but it will have to do in a pinch since the only acceptable item on the menu was beer.

While I was away, Chris was experimenting with his fake Larabars for his upcoming trip to Joshua Tree National Park (to relax, I drink beers by the pool while Chris hikes across the desert ;). The bars have nuts in them and nuts are not on the Esselstyn diet. But Chris rationalizes that he needs high caloric foods when he is hiking or backpacking and nuts seem to have a high calorie to weight ratio. The bars are very tasty and fairly inexpensive if you can buy the dates in bulk (go to Costco for a good sized 3.5 lb tub). Put them in ziploc baggies since they can get sticky.

1 c  chopped cashews (half roasted and salted, half raw)
1  c chopped dates
1/2 c dried blueberries or dried cherries

1) Blend cashews first, use the pulse button on your blender until the chunks are less than 1/4 inch
2) Add dates and dried berries, use the pulse button until the mixture can stick together
3) Place mixture into a pan, press into desired shape
4) Place in refridgerator for a day or two

In the above photo, Chris made 2 batches- 1 blueberry and 1 cherry.  They both fit into a strip that was one-third of an 8x8 inch pan. Mikae loved the blueberry bars. The cherry bars had more of a subtle flavor.

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