Monday, March 4, 2013

Yeh revisited

Chris reformulated his Farro with Acorn Squash and Kale recipe and the dish went from "Yeh" to "OH YEH".  Mikae ate it in 15 minutes which is a record time for her. Here's the new recipe.

half  Acorn Squash
half Chopped Onion
2 T Chopped garlic
1 C Farro
2 1/4 C Vegetable broth
2 T Honey
1 t  Cumin
1/8 t Paprika
1 t salt
1 t coriander seed
1/2 grated nutmeg
1/2 c cranberries
Chopped bunch of Kale

1) Bake the acorn squash half without oil for 45 minutes at 350 degrees.
Chris put the cut side up in the oven.
2) In the mean time, in a large frying pan, saute onion and garlic without oil until onions are translucent. Use a little water to prevent sticking to pan.
Add farro to the onion and garlic. Toss around at medium heat for a minute or two.
Add broth, honey, cumin, paprika, salt, coriander seed, nutmeg and cranberries
5) Let simmer for 25 minutes.
6) Cut up cooked squash into 1/2 to 3/4 inch cubes.
7) Toss in squash and kale with farro mixture. Mix well. Ready to serve

Only a little was leftover for this photo:)

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